Animation "Bocchi the Rock!" Exhibition" (アニメ「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」展,Anime Bocchi Za Rokku Ten) is an exhibition event series featuring materials of Bocchi the Rock anime series. It is being held sequentially in 6 prefectures around Japan (Tokyo, Fukuoka, Ishikawa, Aichi, Osaka and Niigata) in 2024.
Announcement and promotion[]
The exhibition was announced in the official anime X account on January 31, 2024 with first venue being Ginza, Tokyo. [1]. Advance ticket sales opened on February 15. Another exhibition venue was announced in Fukuoka on March 21.[2]
Key visual of the exhibition was revealed on March 22.[3] List of goods sold were announced by phases from April 3, with Key Animation Book revealed on April 5. On May 23, new venue was announced including Osaka, Aichi (Nagoya), Niigata and Ishikawa.[4]